Here's how to edit the page header image on an archive page.

You can use this method to update the header image on the puppies, parents and testimonials pages.

Here's how to edit the site header.

This is how you edit the instagram link in the header of your site.

Connect your form to mailchimp

After you’ve signed up for your free mailchimp account and created a waitlist over there you can follow this video on where to put your API key.

Homepage and Mailchimp set-up

You have to select your “Audience” from mailchimp to connect the form to, plus some notes on how the homepage is set up to show available puppies.

How to Add a new puppy

Goes over the process of adding a puppy and the various parts of the page.

Adding a new video

This video shows you how to use the Presto Player widget to add a video to your site.